- ACS Healthcare Solutions
- Cerner
- CW Lab
- Infor Public Sector
- IlliniCare
- Sutherland Health Solution
- ModuTouch
- Oracle
- R L Canning
- The Bronner Group
- Xerox Business Services
The Illinois Medical District is the largest urban medical district in the United States. The IMD was going through a major reorganization, undertaking a new, fresh and ambitious vision. With a new strategic plan in place, we knew we needed to hire a public affairs firm to help us achieve our goals.
As an integral member of our team, The Prairie Group’s relationships and long histories with the faith-based leaders, elected officials, community groups and other stakeholders have been invaluable to the Illinois Medical District Commission. They know our constituencies well, they know government, they have access.
I recently took over the reins as CEO of Roseland Community Hospital. This hospital was about to fail, leaving a huge vacuum of much needed healthcare services for Chicago’s Southside. I was not going to let that happen. I built a world-class team that would have to turn around the fate of Roseland. One of those team members is, The Prairie Group. Fred and his team know the community like no one I know, are fully accessible – 24/7, strategic and methodic… they simply know how to get things done!
Fred Lebed and his Prairie Group team bring enormous experience and credibility on behalf of their clients in front of the Chicago City Council. They are real pros at what they do. Fred has been in the fabric of all communities in Chicago for many years… well-known, highly respected. He has been a long-time friend of the Sawyer Family for several decades… Fred is family!
It has been said that “the true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.” For over 15 years I have had the opportunity and privilege to work side by side with Fred Lebed as he tirelessly, faithfully and selflessly devoted his time, treasure and talents to our nonprofit mission. His business acumen, motive and style does not change as he moves from volunteer-driven to commercial-driven endeavors – he always strives to be fair, transparent and worthy of trust. Even though we are not one of his commercially-driven or politically-motivated clients who pay for his company’s services, he treats us like we are!
Fred has been instrumental in bringing to the table the influencers and activists who’ve stood with Aunt Martha’s against racial and social injustices that create and perpetuate inequities of health, wellness and hope. He and his team at The Prairie Group have offered invaluable insights and opened the doors to new opportunities to leverage the value of our distinct brand of integrated health care, community wellness and child welfare services. And they’ve made a difference where it matters most – on the ground, in the community and in the lives of the people Aunt Martha’s serves.
Fred provided savvy counsel when Presence Health faced a particularly tough City Council vote in Chicago. His deep knowledge of the process and understanding of the communities we wanted to serve were an asset to our team in persuading and negotiating a tax increment financing deal that kept our headquarters downtown while investing valuable resources in communities of need. Whenever we needed him to pick up the phone and make a call, he delivered. He was absolutely critical to our success.
I have known Fred since I was first elected to the Chicago City Council in 2003. He and his team have a stellar reputation as effective, respected and hard working agents for the clients they represent in city government on healthcare and other issues.
Significant credit for the success of the enrollment efforts for CountyCare is due to The Prairie Group. The Prairie Group’s sharply targeted outreach efforts relied upon its deep knowledge of the communities served by the Cook County Health & Hospitals System, and particularly of the leaders in those racially and ethnically diverse communities: governmental, civic, and religious. I am grateful to The Prairie Group for its major contribution, under severe timeline constraints, for mounting systematic, community-focused, stakeholder outreach and enrollment efforts.
Fred is very hard-working, disciplined and highly respected in government. Unlike many others, Fred always does his homework before us meeting. His reputation throughout Cook County and the City of Chicago government is stellar … It is always a delight to meet with Fred … He and his team always have an open door with me.
“I have known Fred and his team for years and his reputation is unmatched. With decades of experience working in state and local government, Fred has proven time and time again that he is the best at what he does. He currently leads one of the most prominent public affair firms in Illinois and is a tireless worker on behalf of his clients. His bi-partisan approach is impressive… He is a problem-solver and knows how to get the job done, producing great results for all involved.”
We hired The Prairie Group several years ago to assist Comcast with their community relations strategy. We required a firm with a “boots on the ground” approach, a firm that understands and knows the diversified communities throughout Cook County. The Prairie Group has a vast network of relationship that stretches every corner of the Chicago Metropolitan area. They are effective and they deliver.
It is a true delight to work with Fred and his seasoned team of executives. They have significantly assisted us in reaching our business goals… they have also assisted us in demonstrating we are truly concerned about being good corporate citizens and neighbors. They are strategic, they are credible, they are real pros!